As the Sequoyah High School football coach, patient Bill Satterfield has seen a lot of wins and losses in his career. When it comes to weight loss, his post-surgery success definitely puts him in the “win” column.
Satterfield, 58, says that he has struggled with his weight since he got out of high school. Noting that it’s a lot more fun putting on weight than taking it off, Satterfield says that over the years he tried just about every diet out there with no long-term success.
After a considerable amount of research, Satterfield decided that gastric banding seemed like the right option for him. “I liked the fact that the band could be adjusted,” he says. “For me, the whole process is easier than going to the dentist.”
Satterfield has noticed many benefits to his weight loss – both mental and physical. He’s experienced a boost to his self-esteem, saying that the weight loss “changes your looks and your outlook.” As for health benefits, he no longer requires treatment for sleep apnea or high blood pressure and he has increased stamina that helps him keep up with the rigors of being a high school football coach. “If I feel good and have a good attitude about being at practice, my players feel good about being there,” he says.
The coach is following our instructions to eat right and exercise. He stays active walking, farming and gardening, and says that he feels good and has the energy to do all the things that he enjoys. At 205 pounds, he even wears the same pant size that he did in high school.
To find out if gastric banding or another surgical method is right for you, contact us today.