Staying Hydrated After Weight Loss Surgery

Staying Hydrated After Weight Loss Surgery Staying hydrated is very important after a weight loss surgery. In fact, it is an essential component to the healing process. It helps eliminate waste products more efficiently from the body and it also increases the...

Healthy Food Options for the Holidays

If you are trying to lose weight, you may find the holidays as a challenging time to make or be consistent with lifestyle changes. You don’t have to say ‘no’ to holiday get-togethers just to keep yourself on track.  Foothills Weight Loss Surgeons in...

Swap the Candy for Protein!

Valentine’s day, a day notorious for sugary treats, is just around the corner. So, how can you, a post-bariatric surgery patient, enjoy the day without breaking your diet plan? Simple. Swap your candy for a more filling protein shake.   Why protein is...