Weight Loss Surgery Options

Weight Loss Surgery Options Weight loss surgery allows for a physical change in the digestive system, minimizing the amount of food a person can take in and the number of calories absorbed by the body. It is a serious and life-changing procedure that can improve the...

Kingsport Woman Loses 140 Lbs with Bariatric Surgery

Fort Sanders Health & Lifestyles Angel Lubrano has struggled with her weight for many years and experienced chronic pain, gastrointestinal problems and shortness of breath. She knew something had to change when weight-related issues like diabetes jeopardized her...

Knox Woman Finds Success with Weight Loss Surgery

From Fort Sanders Regional Health & Lifestyles Three years ago, Whitney Copeland was at her heaviest weight: 318 pounds. Working as a medical assistant for a general and vascular surgeon, she is on her feet most of the day. She recalls experiencing difficulty...