How Weight Loss Surgery Reduces the Risk of Cancer

How Weight Loss Surgery Reduces the Risk of Cancer Could cancer impact your health and life? Many people have family members, friends, and coworkers who have gone through cancer. What if there was a way to reduce this risk to yourself? The American Cancer Society...

Weight Loss Surgery Options

Weight Loss Surgery Options Weight loss surgery allows for a physical change in the digestive system, minimizing the amount of food a person can take in and the number of calories absorbed by the body. It is a serious and life-changing procedure that can improve the...

How to Stick to Your 2022 Weight Loss Resolutions

How to Stick to Your 2022 Weight Loss Resolutions If you’re a candidate for bariatric surgery, your New Year’s resolutions may have something to do with losing weight and leading a healthier lifestyle. While weight loss surgery can transform people’s lives, sustaining...

When To Consider Bariatric Surgery

When To Consider Bariatric Surgery Anyone that’s ever dieted knows losing weight can be challenging. You may feel that your body is at the point where dieting and exercising isn’t working anymore, but you still have significant weight to lose. If this scenario sounds...

Bariatric Surgery: What to Know

Bariatric Surgery: What to Know Bariatric surgery is an effective tool for weight loss. However, just like any elective procedure, the decision to undergo this should be done after carefully weighing the pros and cons. Dr. Mark Colquitt and the team at Foothills...