As part of our commitment to the wellness of our patients and other community members, we’re proud to be a sponsor alongside the Blount Memorial Weight Management Center of Moving Together: One Step Closer. The event is a one-mile walk to raise awareness about the risks of obesity and promote healthy choices.
The walk will be held Saturday, Oct. 2, from 8 to 11 a.m. at Blount Memorial Wellness Center at Springbrook, which is located at 220 Associates Blvd. [map link] in Alcoa. Registration is $25 and includes walk participation, entry into a drawing to win a $250 gift card to Dick’s Sporting Goods, a t-shirt, live music and healthy snacks.
Obesity is not just an aesthetic issue. It contributes to coronary heart disease, diabetes, degenerative joint disease, sleep apnea, premature death and even depression. Tennessee is one of the top three states in terms of obesity, and nearly one third of our state’s residents are considered obese. Events like Moving Together are intended to raise awareness of obesity issues and help turn the tide – one step at a time.
Won’t you join us? Sign up today and invite friends, family and other neighbors to join you as we move one step closer to a healthier community.
To participate in Moving Together, download a pledge form or contact 865-977-4673.
Companies may participate as corporate sponsors. Download a sponsorship form today.