Obesity is a growing problem, especially in well-developed nations. It is associated with chronic conditions like stroke, heart failure, and diabetes. Because of this, it is recommended that highly obese individuals lose weight.

Bariatric Surgery

While making changes in one’s lifestyle specifically in diet and physical activity is encouraged among obese individuals, this traditional weight loss route doesn’t always work for everyone. In such cases, doctors often recommend bariatric surgery.

Bariatric or weight loss surgery is a medical procedure that aims to achieve weight loss by reducing the size of the stomach, removing a portion of the stomach, resecting and re-routing the small intestine to a small stomach pouch, or a combination of these methods.

Ideal Candidates for Bariatric Surgery

Doctors usually use a certain list of criteria to determine whether a patient is a good candidate for this type of surgery. Some of the things they look for are the following:

  • Weight
    An ideal candidate for bariatric surgery is someone who is 80-100 lbs overweight or someone with a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or higher. People with a BMI of 35 may still qualify if they have one or more of obesity-related conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, sleep apnea, obesity hypoventilation syndrome, arthritis, and high blood cholesterol.
  • Weight Loss History
    You may qualify for a weight loss surgery if your efforts to lose weight through diet changes and exercise have been unsuccessful.
  • Health History
    Like other medical procedures, there are some risks involved in bariatric surgery. Some health conditions may increase these surgery-related risks. So, even if you qualify for bariatric surgery based on your BMI, your health status will still be evaluated. Some health problems that may put you at risk include nutritional deficiencies, heart problems, blood clotting issues, and liver disease.
  • Age
    Although there is no age limit for bariatric surgery, your risk of complications increases as you age.
  • Mindset
    A good candidate for bariatric surgery is someone who has realistic expectations and has the ability to commit to the process and follow through with the recommendations given by the healthcare team. These include recommendations for diet, vitamin supplementation, and follow-up consultations.

If you’re obese and considering bariatric surgery as a solution for losing those excess pounds, then call Foothills Weight Loss Specialists today at 865-984-3413. Attend one of our free monthly classes and learn about your weight loss surgery options, in person, with one of our experienced physicians. Register today!