Weight Loss Surgery - Foothills Weight Loss Surgeons

Being overweight places you at great risk of suffering from different health issues. This includes heart disease, sleep apnea, diabetes, and kidney problems.

For some, losing weight can be as simple as changing one’s activity level and eating habits. However, for many people it’s not as easy as that.

This is where bariatric or weight loss surgery becomes useful. It is designed for individuals who struggle to lose weight through conventional means (i.e. exercise and diet including medically supervised ones).

Research shows weight loss surgery isn’t just an effective tool for losing weight; it can also help improve a number of weight-related health issues.

Are you a candidate?
You could be a candidate for weight loss surgery if you meet the following criteria:

  • You are more than 100 lbs over your ideal body weight.
  • You have a Body Mass Index (BMI) of over 40.
  • You have a BMI of over 35 and have at least one obesity-related comorbidity such as type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, hypertension, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, osteoarthritis, or heart disease.
  • You are unable to achieve a healthy body weight for a sustained period of time with prior weight loss efforts, including medically-supervised dieting.

Foothills Weight Loss Surgeons in Knoxville has an online calculator that can help determine your Body Mass Index.

Once you’ve determined your qualification, the next step is getting informed about weight loss surgery.

Foothills Weight Loss Surgeons offers a FREE online info session. The purpose of this seminar is to provide you with more information about weight loss surgery so you’ll know what to expect before, during, and after the procedure.

You can sign up for the seminar here. For questions, you may call us at (865) 984-3413.

Foothills Weight Loss Surgeons is part of Premier Surgical Bariatrics in Knoxville, Tennessee. Foothills is affiliated with the Fort Sanders Regional Center for Bariatric Surgery, part of Covenant Health Bariatric Services.