E-book Bariatric Surgery Guide

Obesity has become a significant national health issue. Morbid obesity is closely correlated with a number of serious conditions including diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and sleep apnea. In many cases, bariatric surgery can help obese patients manage or resolve these comorbid conditions.

The experts from Foothills Weight Loss Specialists and Fort Sanders Center for Bariatric Surgery of Knoxville have put together an overview of the bariatric program for prospective patients.

Our Bariatric Surgery Guide is a snapshot of the entire bariatric surgery process from preparation to recovery, in a convenient and downloadable e-book format. It provides a basic overview of the bariatric surgery process and what someone who decides to undergo the procedure can expect.

Foothills Weight Loss Specialists and the Fort Sanders Center for Bariatric Surgery are excited to help you transform your life!

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