Patients who undergo bariatric surgery often refer to the date of their surgery as their new birthday. This designation is certainly fitting, as undergoing bariatric surgery in many ways marks the beginning of a new life.
Each year, we hold a fashion show as a way to join our patients in celebrating their success. While the event is not an official “birthday” party, it is certainly a celebratory occasion, as we come together to recognize the remarkable weight loss achievements of our patients.
The following are just a few of our success stories:
Lisa Morton has a new birthday of Aug. 25, 2008. As of the December 2009 fashion show, she had lost 157 pounds. Regarding her surgery, Morton said to the assembled crowd, “I’m not going back. If you’re considering it, this is the best thing you could ever do, and you won’t look back. I’ve got a new birthday, and it’s August 25!”
James Lawson had surgery in September 2008. He lost 215 pounds from September 2008 to December 2009. “I went from taking 17 pills a day to nothing. My diabetes is gone. This is the best thing you can ever do, and it can save your life,” said Lawson.
Jerry Spurling had surgery in December 2008. He lost 102 pounds in the year following his surgery. “I could hardly believe it myself. I got rid of all my other clothing, but I kept one pair of pants so I could remember.”
Diana Parton had surgery in August 2009. She lost 66 pounds from August through December. “I came back from the hospital and got off my diabetes medicine, which I had to take twice a day. I took a handful of pills every morning, and now I only take three. I have more time to spend with my family and friends, because I feel I will live longer.”
We feel privileged and honored to be able to help people start new lives; celebrating their successes and new birthdays is a true joy.